The weather looked good to start with, but already on the way out to the observing spot before the eclipse, thin clouds drifted in and I took a stop to photograph a dramatic lunar halo with the characteristic mountain "Store Blåmann" in the foreground.
More clouds drifted in and the first half of the eclipse was impossible to observe, but every now and then, the Moon could be glimpsed through the thin clouds and allowed me to get a few pictures of the event. A beautiful coppery-red hue could be seen during mid-eclipse and during the last part of the eclipse when the Moon dissappeared behind the mountains in the west.

Total Lunar Eclipse, 21 December 2010
Grattis till att du fick nån bild på förmörkelsen, själv var jag tvungen att jobba trots bra väder. /Urban
SvaraRaderaDobbel måneformørkelse på Andøya også. Strengt tatt ble det vel trippel formørkelse da jeg gikk å la meg for å sove igjen :O)
SvaraRaderaFlotte bilder alle sammen, og aller best likte jeg det siste.
mvh Espen
Du er bare rå på nattfoto Fredrik!
SvaraRaderaKnut Børge