tisdag 28 juni 2011

Atlantic white-sided dolphins - Kvitskjeving

Perhaps the most colourful dolphin species of the world can be found along the Norwegian coast. With it`s strong colouration in white, yellow and black, Atlantic White-sided Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) look like they belong in tropical waters, but are in fact endemic to the cool and temperate waters of the North Atlantic.

Yesterday, I encountered a relatively large group of these beautiful dolphins playing and jumping in Andfjorden in Nordland. Not only is this dolpin species one of the most colourful, but also one of the more acrobatic. Reaching almost 3 m in length, the leaps and jumps are truely spectacular.

Together with the White-beaked Dolphin (kvitnos), the Atlantic White-sided Dolphin (kvitskjeving) are commonly referred to as "springer" in Norway, but a closer look will reveal relatively large differences between the two species.

Atlantic White-sided Dolphins


Breaching Atlantic white-sided Dolphin


Atlantic White-sided Dolphin breaking the water surface¨

Not often is it possible to see the underside of a marine mammal,
but with playful dolphins like this one most things are possible

2 kommentarer:

  1. WOW! Heftig! Visste ikke at vi hadde slike flotte delfiner i Andfjorden! Dritkult, disse har jeg lyst til å se!


  2. Andfjorden er full av overraskelser !

    Jeg begynner å bli enig med deg at Andøya er øya med stort Ø eller A eller hva det nå blir..., og ser fram mot å oppdage rare skapninger i Andfjorden sammen i vinter..

