måndag 9 september 2013

Bird Photo of the Week / Ukens fuglebilde - 37

Most birds are leaving the high-north now after the breeding season - but not all

In September, a tiny little warbler, no more than 9-10 cm, instead travels a very long distance westwards from the northern Russian taiga and some end up here in Scandinavia. The reason for this long-distance autumn migration is, as far as I know, not understood, but it's a most welcome guest!

And, two days ago, the first of the autumn's yellow-browed warblers was back among the autumn leaves here on Kvaløya again.

Yellow-browed Warbler / Gulbrynsanger / Taigasångare (Phylloscopus inornatus)

3 kommentarer:

  1. Flott bilde. Gleder meg til de kommer sørover..

    1. Takk for det John - det ser ut som om 'invasjonen' er i full sving her i Troms nå så da dukker det nok opp gulbryn sørover også om ikke altfor lang tid..

